



郑敏化,副教授,硕士生导师。围绕发育生物学研究方向,在神经干细胞增殖、分化和粘附的信号通路及表观遗传学调控机制等方面展开研究。发现Notch信号特异性抑制视网膜干细胞向感光细胞分化,并且抑制神经干细胞向中间态神经前体细胞分化。发表SCI论文20篇,其中以第一/通讯作者(含共同)发表SCI论文8篇,含影响因子大于5的3篇。获得科技部863计划青年科学家专题项目资助1项(2015)、国科金面上项目资助1项(2015)、青年基金项目资助1项(2011)。获得中国神经科学学会“赛诺菲-安万特”优秀会议论文奖(2009,第一完成人),和陕西省科学技术壹等奖(2011,第九完成人)。获评军队优秀专业技术人才(2015)和陕西省“三秦人才”(2015)。获评第四军医大学“精品课教员”(2009)和基础医学院“教学先进个人”(2013)和“双十佳”教学能手(2014)。主编参编教材主编第四军医大学出版社出版的《生命之窗——生命科学前沿纵览》医学遗传学分册共同主编第四军医大学出版社出版的《遗传修饰小鼠实用实验技术》参编英国Novascience出版社出版的英文专著《Cancer Stem Cells》参编德国Springer出版社出版的英文专著《Notch signaling in embryology and cancer》发表文章以第一/通讯作者(含共同)


1: Gao F#, Zhang YF#, Zhang ZP#, Fu LA#, Cao XL, Zhang YZ, Guo CJ, Yan XC, Yang QC, Hu YY, Zhao XH, Wang YZ, Wu SX, Ju G*, Zheng MH*, Han H*. miR-342-5p regulates neural stem cell proliferation and differentiation downstream to Notch signaling in mice. Stem Cell Rep. 2017;8(4):1032-1045.

2: Cao XL#, Zhang X, Zhang YF, Zhang YZ, Song CG, Liu F, Hu YY, Zheng MH*, Han H*. Expression and purification of mouse Ttyh1 fragments as antigens to generate Ttyh1-specific monoclonal antibodies. Protein Expr Purif. 2017;130:81-89.

3: Chen BY#, Zheng MH*#, Chen Y#, Du YL, Sun XL, Zhang X, Duan L, Gao F, Liang L, Qin HY, Luo ZJ*, Han H*. Myeloid-Specific Blockade of Notch Signaling by RBP-J Knockout Attenuates Spinal Cord Injury Accompanied by Compromised Inflammation Response in Mice. Mol Neurobiol. 2015;52(3):1378-90.

4: Hu YY#, Fu LA#, Li SZ#, Chen Y#, Li JC, Han J, Liang L, Li L, Ji CC, Zheng MH*, Han H*. Hif-1α and Hif-2α differentially regulate Notch signaling through competitive interaction with the intracellular domain of Notch receptors in glioma stem cells. Cancer Lett. 2014;349(1):67-76.

5: Zheng MH#, Shi M, Pei Z, Gao F, Han H*, Ding YQ*. The transcription factor RBP-J is essential for retinal cell differentiation and lamination. Mol Brain. 2009;2:38.

6: Shi M#, Hu ZL#, Zheng MH#, Song NN, Huang Y, Zhao G, Han H, Ding YQ*. Notch-Rbpj signaling is required for the development of noradrenergic neurons in the mouse locus coeruleus. J Cell Sci. 2012;125(Pt 18):4320-32.

7: Hu YY#, Zheng MH#, Cheng G, Li L, Liang L, Gao F, Wei YN, Fu LA*, Han H*. Notch signaling contributes to the maintenance of both normal neural stem cells and patient-derived glioma stem cells. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:82.

8: Liu HC#, Zheng MH#, Du YL#, Wang L, Kuang F, Qin HY, Zhang BF*, Han H*. N9 microglial cells polarized by LPS and IL4 show differential responses to secondary environmental stimuli. Cell Immunol. 2012;278(1-2):84-90.


1. Zhao X, Wu J, Zheng MH et al. Specification and maintenance of oligodendrocyte precursor cells from neural progenitor cells: involvement of microRNA-7a. Mol Biol Cell. 2012;23:2867-78.

2. Shi M, Zheng MH, Liu ZR et al. DCC is specifically required for the survival of retinal ganglion and displaced amacrine cells in the developing mouse retina. Dev Biol. 2010;348(1):87-96.

3. Shi M*, Liu Z*, Lv Y*, Zheng MH et al. Forced notch signaling inhibits commissural axon outgrowth in the developing chick central nerve system. PLoS One. 2011 Jan 21;6(1):e14570.

4. Zhang R*, Ma LY*, Zheng MH et al.Survivin knockdown by short hairpin RNA abrogates the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma xenografts in nude mice. Cancer Gene Ther. 2010;17(4):275-88.

5. Tian DM, Liang L, Zhao XC, Zheng MH et al. Endothelium-targeted Delta-like 1 promotes hematopoietic stem cell expansion ex vivo and engraftment in hematopoietic tissues in vivo. Stem Cell Res. 2013;11(2):693-706.

6. Gao F*, Zhang Q*, Zheng MH et al. Transcription factor RBP-J-mediated signaling represses the differentiation of neural stem cells into intermediate neural progenitors. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2009;40(4):442-50.

7. Fu T*, Zhang P*, Feng L*, Ji G*, Wang XH*, Zheng MH et al. Accelerated acute allograft rejection accompanied by enhanced T-cell proliferation and attenuated Treg function in RBP-J deficient mice. Mol Immunol. 2011 Feb;48(5):751-9.

8. Hu Z*, Shi M*, Huang Y, Zheng MH et al.The role of the transcription factor Rbpj in the development of dorsal root ganglia. Neural Dev. 2011;6:14.

9. Liu Z*, Shi M*, Hu Z, Zheng MH et al.A refined map of early gene expression in the dorsal rhombomere1 of mouse embryos. Brain Res Bull. 2010;82(1-2):74-82. 10. Zhang ZF, Zhang J, Hui YN, Zheng MH et al. Up-regulation of NDRG2 in senescent lens epithelial cells contributes to age-related cataract in human. PLos One. 2011;6(10):e26102.

基金课题1. 视网膜干细胞标志分子鉴定及应用研究(2015AA020918)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)青年科学专题 2015.01 郑敏化 2. Notch信号通过microRNA调控神经干细胞粘附连接及干性维持(31471044)国科金面上项目 2015.01郑敏化 3. RBP-J依赖的Notch信号通过调控神经细胞粘附参与视网膜层次结构形成(31000485)国科金青年基金项目2011.01郑敏化4. 第四军医大学精英人才系列资助计划第二层次资助对象郑敏化2012.01 5. 以第二申请人参与国科金项目2项;以第三申请人参与国科金项目7项;以第四申请人参与973计划、国家重大新药创制项目各1项

